Why do we feel hungry, weak, or lightheaded at all, when the body can just burn the stored fat?


When we need energy, can’t the body just burn the stored fat? Isn’t that the whole point of stored fat? Why will we feel hungry, weak, lightheaded, etc. at all? I understand if the body doesn’t have enough fat (if you’re super skinny), it would make sense to feel hungry, but I don’t understand why would that be the case if there’s enough fat to go around.

In: 2291

24 Answers

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We burn carbs as energy by default. We have about 2000kcal of carbs in store. It takes some time to switch from carbs to fat as energy source, and during that time you will feel like you are running out of energy. But if you push through that transition, it will get way easier.

I used to fast before. Longest fast I did was over 60 hours. The first 24 hours is when you feel hungry. Then it goes away, as your body switches over to burning fats, and it probably has tons of that available for energy. Towards the end of my fast I was feeling fine and felt like I could do it indefinitely.

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