One of the symptoms of exercise is an increase of metabolism. Makes sense, right? Well, one of the symptoms of an increased metabolism is *all* of your metabolism increasing. That includes your digestive system, your sweat glands, etc.
A stomach that is hypercharged this way will react to previously ‘normal’ states (like being too full, not full enough, having dairy in it, etc.) in a panic, because it can’t process it fast enough to keep up with the metabolism and still be normal. This is a simple cause of nausea.
Alternatively, feeling nauseous is a symptom of your body detecting something is wrong and sending out a general alarm. So even if the previously normal state is your blood sugar, exercise can make that level be too low and your body reacts with nausea.
So how does that affect turning pale? If the nausea is bad enough but still not working, your body will enter fight or flight reactions, but because there’s things confusing its responses it might over correct. When it tries to reserve blood for your muscles (draining it from your face), it might also stop it from going to places that it needs to go (like your brain or internal organs, worsening the cause of the nausea). This is also the cause of cold sweat: more sweet is produced, but blood (and the heat it carries) is reserved for muscles instead of the skin that would feel the heat.
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