Why do we get headaches the day after getting drunk?


Why do we get headaches the day after getting drunk?

In: 10

34 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body’s water gets bound with alcohol that you consumed and your body experiences a lack of liquid, a desiccation so to say, which results in the headache.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body’s water gets bound with alcohol that you consumed and your body experiences a lack of liquid, a desiccation so to say, which results in the headache.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alchohol is a diharetic, which means it takes liquids from your body (you go to the bathroom more) and does not provide the body with sources of Electrolytes (what your body needs from liquids). If you are out and drinking heavily try to drink a glass of water now and then and you will be fine. Also a good hangover cure is something like Gatoraide or similar sports drinks that have a high content of electrolytes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alchohol is a diharetic, which means it takes liquids from your body (you go to the bathroom more) and does not provide the body with sources of Electrolytes (what your body needs from liquids). If you are out and drinking heavily try to drink a glass of water now and then and you will be fine. Also a good hangover cure is something like Gatoraide or similar sports drinks that have a high content of electrolytes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alcohol takes water away from your body. When your body doesn’t have enough water you will get a headache.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Alcohol takes water away from your body. When your body doesn’t have enough water you will get a headache.

Anonymous 0 Comments

AFAIK, the reason still isn’t well understood. You’re going to get a lot of speculative answers here, but that’s all they are.

Recent speculation seems to center around an inflammatory response. Science vs. did a podcast on it not too long ago as well.


Added: This TED article summarizes a lot of the confounding issues.


Anonymous 0 Comments

Because headache and dry mouth are the first two symptoms of dehydration and drinking alcohol causes dehydration.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because headache and dry mouth are the first two symptoms of dehydration and drinking alcohol causes dehydration.

Anonymous 0 Comments

AFAIK, the reason still isn’t well understood. You’re going to get a lot of speculative answers here, but that’s all they are.

Recent speculation seems to center around an inflammatory response. Science vs. did a podcast on it not too long ago as well.


Added: This TED article summarizes a lot of the confounding issues.
