Why do we get Morning Breath? What’s different about breathing in our sleep compared to being awake?


This has always puzzled me, what is happening in our mouth when we’re sleeping?

In: 384

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a build up in bacteria in your mouth, particularly on your teeth and gums that causes this. They build up over night because there’s less movement and eating/drinking while your asleep.

But OP, if you have healthy gums you shouldn’t really be getting noticeably bad breath every morning. Bad breath in the morning is a sign of gingivitis, or the early stages of gingivitis. Get your teeth cleaned at a dentist and start flossing. Trust me, I wish I had started taking proper care of my teeth much sooner

Anonymous 0 Comments

Morning breath is often caused by the lack of saliva in your mouth. When you’re awake your mouth usually produces enough saliva to break down food particles that allow odor-causing bacteria to grow.

Anonymous 0 Comments

OP do you breathe through your mouth instead of your nose at night? This can lead to a dry mouth which fosters bacterial growth.

Anonymous 0 Comments

8 hours of dry(er) mouth and no swallowing/rinsing of mouth means greater accumulation of bad breath causing bacteria. The bacteria is always there. You just rinse it away frequently throughout the day as you eat and drink.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Brush your teeth before bed, but not RIGHT before going to bed. Toothpaste will dry out your mouth and then going right to sleep will have you going 8-ish hours without saliva production. I brush hours before bed to ensure there has been enough saliva production to keep things kosher throughout the night.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I often forget to brush at night. When I do the next morning, I use these little flossing brushes for between the teeth. Sometimes food gets stuck between my molars and starts to rot. When I push it out, it has the taste of bad breath. I try not to make that mistake too many times.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have you ever smelled your dried saliva?

Anonymous 0 Comments

The kidneys and digestion pause at night else you’d need to wee every 2 hours. So the body is like is didn’t eat and drink and the mouth gets like a smelly pond with no water.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

If you spit out in a empty glass next to your bed, you dont get bad breath

Oral hygiene is linked to many illnesses.