Why do we get nauseous from moderate/severe blood loss?


Why do we get nauseous from moderate/severe blood loss?

In: 14

4 Answers

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It can be a few reasons.

First off, you can just not like blood. Plenty of people get a bit queasy at the sight of it.

Second, the pain can cause nausea.

But the actual blood loss itself can also cause nausea. This is become of how your body works. When we lose a significant amount of blood, our body starts to prioritize. Blood goes to the important bits first, like your lungs and brain. Digestion isn’t important in that moment, so it kind of shuts down.

If your body ‘shuts down’ your digestive process while there’s still food inside, it’ll want to purge it. Having half-digested food in your stomach isn’t desirable. This is where the nausea comes from. It’s your body trying to get rid of half-digested food so it can properly prioritise blood flow.

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