: Why do we get nightmares ? What decides the exact events that occur in them ?


: Why do we get nightmares ? What decides the exact events that occur in them ?

In: 17

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dreams in general have been attributed to random signals being fired around your brain whilst you sleep to keep your occipital lobe ‘occupied’ during the prolonged darkness of sleep.
Nightmares are usually described as images that your survival instincts react to causing you to wake. Anything in a dream that happens that’s scary or dangerous for example, your brain reacts to naturally just in case it’s real.

The reason we dream, have nightmares or even need to sleep remains one of the greatest mysteries of our existence.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

One of the theories around dreaming is your brain trying to have its stretching and exercise.

While dreaming, you are usually doing something real enough to be a routine based on memory mixed with somethings that are imaginary and can make you do things you don’t do.

So maybe the nightmare makes you run, swim, jump, cry, use your memory, ect, but all of this is the same as a good dream, our own personal virtual reality to make our brain run through known and forgotten memory/skills.

Anonymous 0 Comments

is the heat getting you?