why do we get sweaty palms if we’re doing something dangerous like climbing? Isn’t that counter-productive?


why do we get sweaty palms if we’re doing something dangerous like climbing? Isn’t that counter-productive?

In: 3370

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is indeed counter productive. The reason is adrenalin and the sympathetic nervous system. Adrenalin is released in stressful situations (heights, public speaking, near car crash etc.) and causes secondary stress responses like sweating, rapid breathing, dry mouth etc by activing the sympathetic nervous system. All of these are in some way or another part of the “fight or flight response”, and are supposed to prime the body for radical, live saving actions.

Anecdotally, I rock climb and lift weights, and in both cases drying hands using chalk provides massive increase in your ability to exert grip force. In this sense, I agree and find the sweating response on hands to be ***absolutely counter-productive***.

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