Why do we have a “Flu season” what about the temperature or time of the year makes us more susceptible to colds/flu?


Why do we have a “Flu season” what about the temperature or time of the year makes us more susceptible to colds/flu?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

Winter weather usually means we’re staying indoors, sharing environments and space in close proximity with each other- facilitating transmission of the flu virus.

Cold, dry air also dehydrates our mucous membranes and makes us more susceptible to infection if exposed to the virus. It also allows the virus to remain infectious for a longer period of time outside the body.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A few reasons, temperature, humidity, sunlight.

Temperature: Colder temperature means we are more apt to gathered together indoors which in turn raises the chance of spreading disease.

Humidity and Temp: Colder drier air outdoors usually means we heat indoor air which makes it even drier. Drier air does a few things (as mentioned by a previous poster it dries mucus membranes), just like your skin gets dry so do the mucus membranes which thus lessens the effectiveness of an important line of defense.

Humidity: Drier air means there is less water in the air to actually ‘sink’ a virus, so the virus can stay in the air longer (this varies by type/size of virus).

Sunlight: This is two fold, it means people spend more time indoors, and there is also growing evidence that our immune system is aided by sunlight, due to both physical and psychological reasons.

Sunlight and Temp: Less apt to by physically active/exercise, leading to a less strong immune system.

WildCard: Holidays; kids having been at school together in closed quarters then have a holiday break to typically spend with family. Add to that a high amount of travel and overindulgence (holiday spirits) which also lower the immune system.

There are a few other reasons, but the above are the major ones that come to mind.