Why do we have e.g. nuclear waste, if mass can be converted to energy?


My knowledge about school level physics is admittedly not that fleshed out, but we were told that it is possible to convert mass to energy. My google-fu has sadly left me for my question here 🙁

So why can’t we just take e.g. nuclear waste and convert it to energy? After that so is my understanding it wouldn’t simply exist as matter anymore and wouldn’t require to store dangerous trash if you can convert it all to energy.

In: 77

35 Answers

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A lot of the nuclear waste we have doesn’t run as efficiently in the reactors we have,inefficient running reactors can be dangerous

So a lot of the fuel rods we throw out as nuclear waste is just not compatible with the main reactors we use… there are designs which use some forms of fuel rods longer but we tend to not have those reactors.. mind you reactors are expensive and take years to build, so not like we have those ready on demand.

Another issue is: nuclear waste is a big big umbrella term.. a lot of it can be old gloves, metals, irradiated items, waste water and such.. it is pretty difficult to derive energy from that…

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