Inflation is completely artificial. We essentially didn’t have it before WW2. Yes, it existed, but currency would inflate and deflate back to about the same levels. At some point, the central bank–an unelected private-public partnership–decided that “a little” inflation every year would be good for the economy. As a ‘side effect,’ this dilution of the currency greatly benefits the 1%. New money enters the system first for the benefit of these people and the entities they control. It’s a liability, but ooooooh would I like to have a liability like that. Essentially free money to create assets. You have to be a dribbling moron to not be able to make money off that kind of cash, especially when the government bails out any kind of failure via direct cash payments, buying corporate debt and artificially propping up investment markets. This is rationalized because JOBS.
ELI5: what’s occurring is very similar to what happened in the late Roman Empire. Every year a little silver is shaved off the denarius to satisfy the demand for spoils (doing essentially nothing and sucking out wealth) of the elite class in a patronage/oligarchy system. For them, they were addicted to slave labor and began to receive less slaves as the empire’s borders stagnated and became convoluted and difficult to maintain. For us, they’re addicted to high rates of returns and an ever-increasing quest for resources. They receive the benefits of a diluted currency and the rest of pay for it by working more for less. If inflation is effectively 100% for the poor (meaning all the items they are forced to buy have increased by that amount, e.g., bread) then a $15/hr job is effectively $7.50/hr. And if you think that wealth just disappeared and didn’t go somewhere else you’re an extremely naive true believer.
You should be very angry.
That or you should have aligned your life to have $1m in assets by now. Because you know, everyone can do that. We can all do nothing and live off dividends, trading and interest.
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