Why do we have to contract our throat when swallowing water? I mean it could just slide right down to our tummies.


Why do we have to contract our throat when swallowing water? I mean it could just slide right down to our tummies.

In: 205

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Somewhat related, and jumping off everyone else’s answers of “it’s so you don’t get liquids into your lungs”, there actually are people whose ability to swallow has degraded. Usually older people, though I’m sure it can happen to younger people as well. Anyway, depending on the severity, drinking regular water/drinks can be considered a hazard for them, since it’s suddenly so much more likely they might drown just from staying hydrated. Especially when the condition is comorbid with a mental decline, like dementia. People with weakened swallowing are encouraged to drink thickened water or juices, because it’s so much easier to swallow safely than regular liquids when you aren’t so good at swallowing anymore.
Source: worked in assisted living + memory care facility kitchens

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