Why do we have to learn algebra and how do people use it in our daily life?


Why do we have to learn algebra and how do people use it in our daily life?

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54 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a lot of ways but the easiest one to realise is related to pythagoras. The pythagoras law is obvious algebra and makes it very easy to make corners of exactly 90 degrees.

Much work involves working in excel, which often involves algebra

Coding will become more and more important in the future, it contains loads of algebra.

Even cooking and scaling recipes is done through algebra..

All algebra is is generalising a formula/recipe/method using letters so that it will work on any scale you need it at.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basic algebra is something i use daily as a software engineer.

Being able to understand the abstraction of variables is extremely important; a baseline for trying to learn how to program 🙂

Anonymous 0 Comments

How do you explain how useful reading is to someone who has no concept of what a book is?

The truth is, until you can think algebraically, you don’t know how many concepts that require algebra as a basis you’re failing to even comprehend the existence of, and that number is pretty high.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because you have to learn something self consistent and logical in order to obtain learning skills and to develop mindset which would help you in solving real life problems. You might never use linear algebra, but you will use your overall way of thinking which will be influenced by the fact that you learned it in school. Not to mention that linear algebra lies behind an enormous amount of practical algorithms.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Algebra is basically everything that is math. A simple addition or subtraction is already algebra. You use it every day without realizing it.

By buying groceries and calculating the price, or calculating interest for a loan, you’re again using it.

if you use a computer, a phone or anything with a screen, everything that is displayed is calculated with algebra. What and where to put it, how to move it and so on.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Learning algebra allows you to think about real life things in terms of one or more variables. In other words, not knowing what all values are, or choosing to change one value and see what impact that has.

Some of the algebra concepts you already use intuitively. For example, if you want to buy a new phone for $480 dollars, and you have $320, how much extra do you need to save? The algebraic way of doing this is: 320 + X = 480, solve for X, but you know from earlier maths you simply do 480 – 320 to get 160. Learning algebra allows you to do more complex variations of this without specifically doing algebra.

You can also use it for checking what impact a change will have. For example, you might be trying to sell a car online, and you have the option of listing with a company that charges you a flat fee of $50 plus 3% of the sale price above $5000. A second site charges you a rate of 2% of the full price. If you think you can sell your car for $7000, which is the better option? And if spending $500 on getting professional photos taken will increase the sale price by $2000, do you need to switch online vendors to reduce the fees you pay?

Algebra teaches you both the practical tools to make these calculations, plus the more important ability to think in the abstract with variables values and unknowns.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basic algebra is something i use daily as a software engineer.

Being able to understand the abstraction of variables is extremely important; a baseline for trying to learn how to program 🙂

Anonymous 0 Comments

How do you explain how useful reading is to someone who has no concept of what a book is?

The truth is, until you can think algebraically, you don’t know how many concepts that require algebra as a basis you’re failing to even comprehend the existence of, and that number is pretty high.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a lot of ways but the easiest one to realise is related to pythagoras. The pythagoras law is obvious algebra and makes it very easy to make corners of exactly 90 degrees.

Much work involves working in excel, which often involves algebra

Coding will become more and more important in the future, it contains loads of algebra.

Even cooking and scaling recipes is done through algebra..

All algebra is is generalising a formula/recipe/method using letters so that it will work on any scale you need it at.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because you have to learn something self consistent and logical in order to obtain learning skills and to develop mindset which would help you in solving real life problems. You might never use linear algebra, but you will use your overall way of thinking which will be influenced by the fact that you learned it in school. Not to mention that linear algebra lies behind an enormous amount of practical algorithms.

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