Why do we have to surrender all the water before entering the airport even if we prove that is in fact a drinking water by taking a sip?


But once inside the airport terminal, we can always buy some water and no one will check anymore if you bring the water inside the plane.

In: 974

21 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

>we prove that is in fact a drinking water by taking a sip?

Just because you can drink it doesn’t mean it’s water.

>we can always buy some water and no one will check anymore if you bring the water inside the plane.

The water that’s sold in the terminal has been inspected/vetted by the security company prior to the supply contract being signed or the water brought onsite. By having everyone toss their water before/at the security checkpoint, they know that all water that’s being brought on the plane is actual water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because some terrorists are willing to die to carry out their terrorist attack. So drinking something that you claim is “water”, it could be that you are a terrorist and are drinking something you know will kill you, and will be used to make an explosive.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s theater. They’ll take away your “explosives” and throw it in the trash right next to them, you know, in case it’s a bomb. If you ACTUALLY had an IED with you, the terminal would be evacuated and the bomb squad would try to remove it somehow.

At the same time you can take charged batteries with you that can be damaged and will burn hot and long and with which you could probably force some sort of emergency landing.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There was a case where border officers forced a teen to drink from a bottle to prove its harmless content. Bottle was filled with drugs.
Guess they want to avoid that here in the US.

[Drugs in bottle](https://youtu.be/DkVm76c880U)

Anonymous 0 Comments

The TSA is just putting on a show. It is all theatrics and has absolutely nothing to do with flight safety.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I recall being a teen and having an unopened coke at the airport minutes after purchasing it. Security asked me what it was, and then to demonstrate that it was drinkable. Drank a few sips. Guard stared silently at me. Drank a bunch more. Guard kept staring. I drank the rest of the bottle as I stared back.

Dick move security guard. Dick move.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s all theater to create a false sense of security by blowing tax money on yet another policing agency.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can take a sip of anything, it doesn’t prove anything about the contents.

I’ve actually done this, with vodka, and tried to keep a straight face, when entering a music festival

Anonymous 0 Comments

You can bring an empty bottle and fill it once you go through security. You do not have to buy water from the airport.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The intent is to prevent liquids that could be combined to make an explosive even if individual ingredients could be sipped and not immediately kill the person. However, the reality is that this is security theater and now that the TSA exists, they would not be giving up those tax dollars and jobs. Let’s face it, the terrorists know what’s being checked so if they really wanted to, they could work around those obvious checks.