Why do we jump when we’re startled?


Like if someone sneaks up on you, or there’s a sudden loud sound. I would guess there’s a sudden surge of adrenaline, but why do we make sudden movements like jumping?

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4 Answers

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For the same reason an infant instantly learns how to breathe air and three days later instantly know to hold their breath underwater.

Much of ourselves is primitive animal instinct that can rip you out of a faraway dream in the middle of the night and into a physical fight or die situation with an Armored Squirrel (they’re real, look it up) in a second.

We exist only because our ancestors knew how to exist, and the modern world we live in is just one tiny blip in out inherited behavior. A thousand years from now your progeny will still know cilantro tastes like soapy breath mints and avoid them.

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