Why do we need so much water to produce everything?


For example, i’ve read somewhere that we need around 3,7Litres of water to produce a single cigarette and 2700Litres of water to produce a single t-shirt. Why do we need so much water to produce stuff?

In: 96

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

That includes water used to grow the crops (tobacco and cotton) used to make those goods. It’s not just counting water used in the factory to make those goods.

It uses a lot of water because those plants aren’t “meant” to make those materials. The nicotine in tobacco plants is a pesticide/pest deterrent, so concentrating enough of it in a small package to smoke and get a decent effect takes a lot of plants. Same for cotton; its use as a cloth fiber is ancillary to its biological purpose (cotton “buds”catching wind to spread the seeds it carries to new places), so it’s not like the plants are super efficient at making those materials, even with selective breeding.

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