Why do we need to consume fat if excess carbohydrates are ultimately stored as fat?


My understanding is that any carbs that aren’t used for energy are converted and stored as fat. Hypothetically, could a human just survive off of protein and a lot of carbs?

In: 43

7 Answers

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The thing is, there are tons of different kinds of potential molecular arrangements for fat. Fatty acids can be small and short, with only 4 carbons (butaric acid) and as many as 18 carbons long (oleic acid). There can also be double bonds between any of these carbons, making it a monounsaturated fat, or multiple double bonds making it a polyunsaturated fat. While you can make a few types of fats, your body can’t actually produce every single kind of fat that you need. Fats are an essential cellular building block, with all cellular membranes being made from fats. This is what allows our cells to have some give, and not be stiff and rigin like plants. Basically, fats allow you to walk!!

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