why do we need to cook chicken all the way through but not duck?


why do we need to cook chicken all the way through but not duck?

In: Other

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ducks live in and around water and are not battery raised, therefore do not carry the same risk of Salmonella as Chicken’s do as they live in dirty living conditions i.e. factory chickens, where excrement and dirt is left to amass on the floor often where chicken feed is then spread for the chickens to eat.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Preference. You’ve been trained your entire life to think that chicken isn’t safe to eat unless it’s been overcooked. There isn’t much safety difference between the two.

With water bath (sous vide) cooking it’s possible to safely cook chicken as low as 130 f, but it’d still look almost raw and I’d have trouble eating it. I wouldn’t think twice about 130 degree duck.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The USDA (food safety regulator in the US) has the same “cook thoroughly, to 160˚-170˚F” for chicken and duck.