Why do we only start liking certain foods when we get a lot older?


Why do we only start liking certain foods when we get a lot older?

In: Biology

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is funny. The older I get the more stuff I dislike for some reason. Maybe I am just not poor enough to eat basically anything anymore.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Children tend to have much stronger senses of taste than adults.

Your sense of taste does wear out over time and because of that, things that tasted absolutely horrendous as a kid is more palatable as an adult.

Because of this, kids tend to prefer simpler flavours for their food.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your taste buds detect sweetness as a sign of “energy-packed food”, so your instant reaction is to like them. Bitterness is detected as an early warning system for toxins, so your instant reaction is to dislike bitter food.

Kids are more likely to just go with their immediate instinctive reaction: sugar good; coffee bad. Adults are more likely to give foods a chance and see what they think about them after getting past that initial reaction.

Anonymous 0 Comments
