why do we put horseshoes on horses when they function perfectly well in the wild without them?


why do we put horseshoes on horses when they function perfectly well in the wild without them?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Horses in the wild mostly run on grass and dirt and their hooves wear down about as fast as they grow. On harder surfaces, like our roads, their hooves wear down faster than they regrow, so we had to put horseshoes on them to stop that excessive wear.

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why do we put horseshoes on horses when they function perfectly well in the wild without them?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Horses in the wild mostly run on grass and dirt and their hooves wear down about as fast as they grow. On harder surfaces, like our roads, their hooves wear down faster than they regrow, so we had to put horseshoes on them to stop that excessive wear.

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