Why do we resemble our relatives?


So (if I am not wrong) we’re 50% our father’s DNA and 50% our mother’s DNA, but why do I look so much like my dad? What part of our DNA determines who we resemble? How does that work? Thanks!

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6 Answers

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So DNA is made up of strings of letters, a gene codes for a thing like a protein or a characteristic like eye colour. These genes are like chapters in a chromosome book apart from the sex chromosome you have 2 of each chromosome one from each parent for each of the 23 chromosomes.

Some characteristics are determined by dominant/recessive genes so 2 parents without cystic fibrosis can have a child with CF. The gene to cause cf is called recessive meaning there has to be a copy on each chromosome if one chromosome only has the copy the characteristics will not show.

Some characteristics are more like putting a bunch of marbles from each parent in a dish and picking a handful. I believe eye colour works like this although I couldn’t tell. You how.

If we got equal DNA from each parent every child would be a copy just at a different age

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