– Why do we scream when something painful happens to us?


– Why do we scream when something painful happens to us?

In: 441

23 Answers

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Let’s imagine you’re playing with your favorite toy, and suddenly, you accidentally hit your toe against the hard edge of the table. Ow! That hurts a lot, doesn’t it?

So, when you feel that pain, a special message gets sent super fast from your toe all the way up to your brain, like a little speedy race car. Your brain is kind of like the boss of your body, and it decides what you should do about the pain.

Sometimes, your brain tells you to cry or scream. That’s because making noise is one way your body can tell other people, “Hey, I’m hurt! I need help!” Even if you’re alone, your body might still do it, just in case there’s someone nearby who could come and help you.

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