Why do we show emotion in our face?


Why do we show emotion in our face?

In: 5

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Humans are very attuned to other humans’ faces, so displaying emotions on our face makes it much easier for other humans to see them.

And our face is also one of the more visible part of our bodies, so it works out.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Humans are social animals and being able to tell if another animal is angry or happy is a great advantage.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Social evolution.

They became advantageous to have a visual way to show internal states of thought.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Emotions are a fundamental part of being human. They are an internal response to stimuli that can be expressed in various ways, including through facial expressions. Facial expressions are an important way for us to communicate our emotions to others. This helps us to build connections with other people and to form and maintain relationships. It also allows us to understand and respond to the emotions of others. Showing emotion in our faces is an important part of human communication and social interactions, and are likely advantageous traits we’ve developed over time through evolution.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Think of it as the evolutionary dead-end cousin of spoken language. There were various means of communications, spoken language was more efficient and it gradually overtook the so-called non-verbal communication, but both remained in use. Most social mammals have some form of non-verbal communication too. Humans are simply the only ones that have developed complex speech.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Non-verbal communication is probably one of the most basic forms of communication animals have, and humans are very social creatures

We love gathering in groups, and interacting with those groups. Facial expression is useful for quickly conveying info, without needing to so much as open your mouth.

If I have a scowl, bearing my teeth at you, nearly foaming at the mouth, I am clearly threatening you, and you should either lift up your hands, or back off.

If I’m in severe pain, I might not be able to talk because of it. But my face tells you everything you need to know.

Most basic facial expressions are also understood regardless of culture; meaning I can express this basic info to people, even if I don’t speak their language.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Maybe something to do with communicating with babies?

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because showing emotion in other areas of your body whilst in the middle of a supermarket will get you some weird looks 😊🤣