: Why do we snort some drugs and inhale others?


You smoke weed, but snort coke.
What would happen if I snort weed (hypothetically, if even possible) and inhale coke(like the powder)?

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5 Answers

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Marijuana is a plant. It is not an artificially created drug, like cocaine, heroin, or even Aspirin or Tylenol. Those are all designed to be easily absorbed into the body and bloodstream. Anything like the natural fiber and cell walls of the source material has been stripped away. So you can very easily enter it into your bloodstream via the mucus membranes of the nose. If you ground up weed and snorted it, all the plant stuff gets in the way of absorbing it.

Cocaine also comes from a plant, but it’s highly concentrated. Chewing the leaves of the plant it comes from or brewing it into tea is an easy enough folk remedy for altitude sickness and has been used for hundreds of years. But to turn it into a drug requires extraction and concentration. Smoking the leaves wouldn’t make you nearly as high as snorting the final, processed drug.

You could do the same to marijuana, make an injectable or snortable form, but burning and inhaling it works just as well. You can also extract it into an ingestible form easily enough. But weed is also a pretty low effort drug. You plant some seeds, let it grow, and smoke it. Most users are happy enough with that arrangement and it makes a potent enough dose that you don’t need to turn it into a whole operation.

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