: Why do we snort some drugs and inhale others?


You smoke weed, but snort coke.
What would happen if I snort weed (hypothetically, if even possible) and inhale coke(like the powder)?

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5 Answers

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Can’t give a technical answer as to why we snort some and inhale others on a chemical and biological level, as I don’t have the academic background. But I assume it’s largely about the consistency/form of each substance. Ie- Some are liquid and have to be injected, some are only activated when burned, some are light enough to be able to enter the nasal cavity with a sniff, etc. I think it’s literally just about what’s easiest, workable, and most comfortable given the form of the drug.

To answer the second part of your question:

Snort weed = having a bunch of what is essentially little baby leaves stuck in your nostrils and maybe getting in your throat. If you would try with oil, it would feel like when water goes up your nose but would be way thicker and probably burn like hell.

Inhale coke = I mean…you do inhale coke lol. But I’m assuming you mean through the mouth, given your other example. That would just be taking the most painful route. It would technically work since it just needs to enter your bloodstream in some way, but why would you want to subject yourself to that.

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