Why do we still have allergies if humans have lived around plants for a long time?


Why do we still have allergies if humans have lived around plants for a long time?

In: 31

12 Answers

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Here is my take on it:
I highly doubt that allergies come from nature alone. Bear with me for a second.
Most of your immune system works with your intestines. Your gut health is a huge, huge factor. In the industrial world, our food is far from natural. Most things that you can buy in a store are polluted with chemicals, toxins, E171 (Titane Oxide) for example has been forbidden in the last couple of month, but was allowed for a much longer time.

I think it is not too far fetched that allergies or immune reactions in general have something to do with what you eat. Like if you smoke to much and the cilia in your lung stop working, your immune system is confused and does no longer know what to do.

I tried many, many things to lessen my allergies, here is what helped me in the end:
– Vitamin D is a huge factor in many immune problems. Make sure that your Vitamin D level is where it needs to be. If you cannot be outdoors too much, use supplements (but research till you find the good ones). Check with your doctor, because there might be a problem with Vitamin D utilization in your body

– Try to eat as much nuts, salad, vegetables and fruit as possible

– Avoid the wrong fats, this might be a huge factor in cancer as well

– avoid processed food like fries

– avoid alcohol and smoking and other obvious toxins for your body

I know it is hard to stay away from the “forbidden” stuff, I have the same problem, but you don’t need to be perfect. You can do better tomorrow than you did today. Don’t give up, experiment yourself, there is a solution for everything. Your body wants to tell you something, learn its language. But not every body is the same and not every body uses the same language. Find your own way.

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