1. Sunlight is really, really, really bright.
2. Reflective display tech *sucks* for a phone’s use case. They’re low res, slow refresh (scrolling a page is agony), the colors are off, etc.
For phones, High res and High-refresh are mandatory. We’re talking 1080p and 60hz minimum, ideally 120hz+)
Monochrome e-ink phones are… Niche. You need to *really* want an e-ink screen, and put up with significant trade-offs
Color e-ink is only just getting ready for mainstream for static e-readers (Should be nice for comics), and a few years behind monochrome performance for mobile device usage.
That said, BlackBerry (and many other devices) used to use “transflective” displays. They are LCD’s with back lights… But which can also reflect bright light, so they remain clear in direct sunlight. Not sure about refresh/resolution limitations…. But the whole world left them behind.
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