It’s hard to turn thermal energy into electricity because heat is kind of the lowest form of energy. It’s hard to contain, even harder to direct/transport, and everything else has a tendency to turn into heat, not the other way around.
You could try to use a FISSION reactor (they haven’t really got fusion to work reliably, yet) to heat up one end of a bunch of thermocouples, but that would be: A) really inefficient, and B) a pain to make AC current, which you want if you are transmitting the electricity any significant distance.
Using heat to boil water, and using the steam to turn a turbine, though? That’s a GREAT way to make electricity. Got some nuclear fuel? Stick it in a tank and heat the water for steam. Live somewhere with a lot of coal? Burn it to make steam! Got some good digging equipment? Dig a hole deep enough so it gets hot, pump some water down in a pipe, and use the resulting steam.
Also, using steam to turn a generator is easier to put in a location of your choice, while other methods of electrical production (wind, solar, hydroelectric) are more area specific (can’t build a hydroelectric dam if you don’t have a river)
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