Why do we use 44,1 kHz frequency on CDs while we’re only being able to hear up to 20 kHz?


Why do we use 44,1 kHz frequency on CDs while we’re only being able to hear up to 20 kHz?

In: 38

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is a thing, called “Nyquist frequency”.

Basically, with 44.1kHz sample-rate, you can sample/store sounds up to 22.5kHz, accurately.
Imagine a sine-wave .. you need multiple points (samples) on that sine-wave, to be able to store and reproduce it, accurately.

The closer the tone gets to the sample-rate, the worse the audio-quality becomes.

So, 44.1kHz is basically just good enough to get the frequency-spectrum of the human hearing covered.

Anonymous 0 Comments
