Why do we use CC’s for motorcycle engines?


I understand that CC’s = mL’s, but CC’s is something that I have always associated with the medical field.. so how did motorcycles get roped into that? Is it just easier to say “I have a 250cc dirt bike” rather than saying “250mL?”

In: 33

14 Answers

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CC refers to two things, Cubic Capacity and Cubic Centimeters, in regards to engines it usually describes the total volume of air and fuel being pushed through the engine by the cylinders `pi/4*bore^2*stroke*number of cylinders = total volume of chambers`
However, in the US they use cu which is cubic inches, however the rest of the world used metric, so yeah they used CC because that is a standard of measurement everyone used.
tl;dr it describes diplacement of volume by engine in a standard metric system of measurement to make the volume globally the same.

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