Why do we use tiles for roofs instead of a smooth flat sheet?

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Why roof tiles exist. I understand why we don’t have flat roofs, but why do we have hundreds of tiles that sort of overlap each other and can be pulled or blown off easily?

Why aren’t roofs like a giant tent, still A shaped but each side is just a big sheet of whatever weatherproof material we got?

In: Other

28 Answers

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There are sheets underneath the tiles that provide the actual waterproofing. The tiles are a for a combination of insulation and protection from solar radiation that can break down the asphalt in the roof sheeting. Basically, the tiles are there because clay and cement and composite ceramics are very long lived, relatively cheap materials that can be replaced piecemeal as they blow off or break during regular maintenance, but protect the asphaltic sheets below them.

ELyou’reactually5: the actual waterproofing of a tile roof is made of waterproof sheets that are vulnerable to sunlight breaking it down. The tiles are like a bulletproof vest that you can put on the membrane to protect it from the sun. 

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