Why do we use tiles for roofs instead of a smooth flat sheet?

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Why roof tiles exist. I understand why we don’t have flat roofs, but why do we have hundreds of tiles that sort of overlap each other and can be pulled or blown off easily?

Why aren’t roofs like a giant tent, still A shaped but each side is just a big sheet of whatever weatherproof material we got?

In: Other

28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I should point out that we do in fact, do these kinds of roofs. They’re called sheet roofs, imaginatively enough. Lysaght is an example. Made of thin steel sheets corrugated. 

 They have the advantage of being lighter and cheaper,  and you can also make them much flatter than tile roofs (1-3 degrees vs 20). Especially in high cost of labor regions, they take a whole lot less man-hours, which will save you money on the front end. 

 Disadvantage is that yeah, they don’t last as long, and repairing them can be something of a hassle

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