Why do we use tomato purée when adding tomato as a flavouring agent to a dish, rather than in powdered form, like we do for paprika, onion, garlic etc. ?


Why do we use tomato purée when adding tomato as a flavouring agent to a dish, rather than in powdered form, like we do for paprika, onion, garlic etc. ?

In: 335

60 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know the answer to your question, but it has me wondering about something! I absolutely love tomatoes, I’ll eat them like apples lol. But as soon it’s made into any kind of red paste, I absolutely abhor it! My whole life I’ve always hated pizza, pasta, lasagna, etc bc of the red sauce. But I love tomatoes and salsa, I don’t understand it whatsoever! It’s honestly like I would rather starve than eat it 🙁

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