Why do we use tomato purée when adding tomato as a flavouring agent to a dish, rather than in powdered form, like we do for paprika, onion, garlic etc. ?


Why do we use tomato purée when adding tomato as a flavouring agent to a dish, rather than in powdered form, like we do for paprika, onion, garlic etc. ?

In: 335

60 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know the answer to your question, but it has me wondering about something! I absolutely love tomatoes, I’ll eat them like apples lol. But as soon it’s made into any kind of red paste, I absolutely abhor it! My whole life I’ve always hated pizza, pasta, lasagna, etc bc of the red sauce. But I love tomatoes and salsa, I don’t understand it whatsoever! It’s honestly like I would rather starve than eat it 🙁

Anonymous 0 Comments

I don’t know the answer to your question, but it has me wondering about something! I absolutely love tomatoes, I’ll eat them like apples lol. But as soon it’s made into any kind of red paste, I absolutely abhor it! My whole life I’ve always hated pizza, pasta, lasagna, etc bc of the red sauce. But I love tomatoes and salsa, I don’t understand it whatsoever! It’s honestly like I would rather starve than eat it 🙁

Anonymous 0 Comments

Go to the Hispanic section and get Knorr tomato bouillon powder. I can’t remember what it’s called, but you can’t miss it, it will be with the chicken and beef bouillon powder.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wtf uses powerded onion or garlic? You poor poor people.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is tomato powder but it doesn’t taste the same like paprika powder is not the same as fresh paprika and onion powder is not fresh onion.
Usually puree is used to also add volume to the sause and a powder can’t do that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is tomato powder but it doesn’t taste the same like paprika powder is not the same as fresh paprika and onion powder is not fresh onion.
Usually puree is used to also add volume to the sause and a powder can’t do that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wtf uses powerded onion or garlic? You poor poor people.

Anonymous 0 Comments

There is tomato powder but it doesn’t taste the same like paprika powder is not the same as fresh paprika and onion powder is not fresh onion.
Usually puree is used to also add volume to the sause and a powder can’t do that.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wtf uses powerded onion or garlic? You poor poor people.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Have you ever MADE powdered form?

I have.

It’s actually not bad, but it does develop some bitter flavors. You can add a bit of sweetness, but that bitterness is always there