Why do whales eat a huge amount of small fishes instead of a few large ones?


I remember watching a documentary once and learned that whales need to eat tonnes (literally) of krill per day to survive. I don’t understand why this is better than eating small amounts of large fishes instead.

In: 298

26 Answers

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The same reason we need to stop eating cows or big animals! Energy efficiency !
The same weight of small animals have much more protein/energy/nutrients…whatever you need compared to the same weight of a big one like cows.
So if the whale wanna eat a bunch of sharks he’s not getting the same amount of nutrients while spending way more effort to catch them. I remember there was an research show that predators like tiger needs to consume 100kg of meat just to gain 1 kg of mass, as you can see, efficient 😅 now talking about human even a little one basically not going weight eating all day and all long life…you can see why the Earth is burning 😅

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