why do white shirts turn yellow around the collar if not worn for long period (>2 months)


This curiosity came after I noticed this on shirts that are washed and kept in the wardrobe, untouched for a long period of time (more than 2 months). Whereas the ones I regularly wear and wash do not have these visible stain.

I have tried googling why it is happening but the results simply show that it is due to oil/sweat build up and it only leads to more questions. Like if that’s the case why does it only happen after a long period of time when left alone, why does it happen to clothes that are washed before storage. Why does it not happen to clothing that are worn and washed regularly?

In: 55

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Laundering cloths causes clothing to yellow.

To combat this natural yellowing cloths are dyed a shade of blue. The blue pigment is the blue flecks in powdered laundry soap and is responsible for the blue coloration liquid detergent.

Why does it not happen when washed regularly? the blue specs or coloration of the liquid reapplies the pigment correcting the color.

Why does it show up later after storage? the pigment has decayed so it’s not color correcting the cloth. If I remember correctly the pigment is a fine blue iron powder.

Why does it show up around the collars? more cloth and less pigment.

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