Why do Windows based PCs and Laptops appear to ‘degrade’ over time, appearing to run slower than when first purchased even after fresh Windows installations?


Lots of variables I accept 《edited to remove personal view》

After say, five years, their performance is noticeably slower than it was when they were new, and the question is not in reference to increased graphical demands from games. The question is referring to day to day operations, web browsing and so on. Moving parts are limited, could they be the cause?

Thanks in advance

In: Technology

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are already allot of great answers. I just wanted to add that I noticed you specified Windows machines. I have 15 years in IT, and I can tell you that macs are not exempt from age or high mileage either.

The reason macs seem to age better is that you can’t buy a cheap mac. Apple starts their machines at a higher pricing point. A ton of very cheap Windows machines will muddy the water. However, spend the same price on a Windows machine and you can actually get better performance in some cases as you can get higher components for the dollar if you’re not paying for the name and aluminum chassis.

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