Why do Windows based PCs and Laptops appear to ‘degrade’ over time, appearing to run slower than when first purchased even after fresh Windows installations?


Lots of variables I accept 《edited to remove personal view》

After say, five years, their performance is noticeably slower than it was when they were new, and the question is not in reference to increased graphical demands from games. The question is referring to day to day operations, web browsing and so on. Moving parts are limited, could they be the cause?

Thanks in advance

In: Technology

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is just pure speculation/experience from my side. (and you have much more detailed stuff about everything else from others).

However, it mostly comes down to heat, the more tasks, the more heat on the components, the more heat the faster the components degrade.

Based on your question. The most important component is the CPU, or rather the degradation of it. Because that will cause the computer to “act slow” (degradation of other components will more often cause other kinds of issues).

And for the past 15 years. I’ve used water-cooling for the CPU. An the PC is still “new” 7-10 years later. Now there are a lot of people who would argue that there are air-cooling system for the CPU that are just as good because they keep the same temperature (or even better). But CPU still degrates waaay faster in my experience. I don’t know what it is about water-coling systems fi its that they can cool the component down more evenly when load change or something like that, no idea.

And as I said, just my experience. But water-cooled CPU in a Windows PC gives the PC years longer life span.

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