Why do Windows based PCs and Laptops appear to ‘degrade’ over time, appearing to run slower than when first purchased even after fresh Windows installations?


Lots of variables I accept 《edited to remove personal view》

After say, five years, their performance is noticeably slower than it was when they were new, and the question is not in reference to increased graphical demands from games. The question is referring to day to day operations, web browsing and so on. Moving parts are limited, could they be the cause?

Thanks in advance

In: Technology

26 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are lots of reasons.

One reason is the registry. The computer has a list or index that it references. This list gets longer each time you install something new, run and update etc.

With spinning disk drives files get fragmented. Each time your file grows it needs more space. Part of the file remains in it’s current location and the rest goes to the next available slot. With time and hundreds of thousands of files it adds up.

Another part is the person sitting in front of the computer and your expectations changing.

Software bloat is another thing. Programs generally get larger and require more resources as time goes on due to updates. Generally software does not get smaller or more efficient unless it has limited resources.

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