Why do you feel period pain in different places during different cycles?


Hey all; a little context: My question has to do with biological woman anatomy.


Being a woman has ups and downs, and for a lot of us I know the pains of periods can be excruciating. I have a pretty general question I’ve been wondering.

Why do women, during some cycles, feel pain in the front of their abdomen, and other times in their hips, or back? I feel in my experience, 95% of the time, my pain originates from the front of my body. But that extra 5% is always in my lower back. (Tbh I’d rather the back pain) Is there a scientific reason for this?

In: 25

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Prostaglandins build up in the lining of your uterus and cause you to cramp to shed it, but they aren’t very targeted so can ‘leak’ out into the surrounding area. This means some people get cramps in their back, or thighs. They also affect your bowels so can cause diarrhea.

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