Why do you have to pee after sex or masturbating even if you haven’t drank water?


Why do you have to pee after sex or masturbating even if you haven’t drank water?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s the body’s natural response to “clean the pipes” so to speak. Basically, your genitals are just trying to clean themselves and since they normally have urine pass through them anyway you may as well use it to clean too 🤷‍♀️

Anonymous 0 Comments

As a woman, it’s all about anatomy. Your urethra is only about an inch to an inch and a half long – meaning it’s a very short trip for microbes to get in. If you haven’t had a UTI yet, be grateful. They’re awful and painful.

Sex is all about touching and being touched. Fingers, tongues, genitals, sex toys, etc. And those things touching your genital area are covered in microbes.

Peeing after sex, as a previous poster said, “clears the pipes” so to speak. Any microbes that have gotten to the bladder haven’t found homes yet, and any still in the urethra will be flushed out before they get the chance.

As an aside – food generally should not be used in the vagina, as any microbes on the food, or especially sugary food will give a home in the vagina and cause an infection there as well. And NEVER go from touching the anal area to touching other genitals without washing up first. Not your mouth, hands, sex toys, etc. Either leave anal play for the end of your sexy times, or stop and have a clean up session.

Now go have fun, but listen to an internet auntie – it might be fun now, but it won’t be fun when you’re on an antibiotic.

Anonymous 0 Comments

you don’t…? I don’t anyway