Why do you have to start back very slowly after eating nothing / very little?


i dont have the link right now but i will try to find the source asap.

so theres this man who lost like 100 kg or smth by not eating for 2 years (other than water and vitamins) but ppl say that when he started eating again, he has to start back very slowly, as in he has to eat like 50 calories this week, 100 next week and so on. basically he has to start little by little instead of instantly eating normally again. why is that?

In: Biology

Anonymous 0 Comments

This also happens to people who are anorexic and have had little to no food intake. It’s called refeeding syndrome.

When you eat your body is in “repair mode” where it rebuilds tissues and grows by burning energy you get from eating food.

In a catabolic state your body is in defense mode and breaks down tissues to use for energy. That’s why you lose weight when you don’t eat. Your body is using fat or muscle stores as energy.

This change from not eating to eating causes a secretion of many hormones which contribute to shifts in salts and fluids in the body. It tries to start rebuilding cells and moves salt from the blood to growing cells.

Not enough salt = bad day for your body.

Not enough potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium in the blood may lead to complications like refeeding syndrome.

Here’s a list

Heart failure

Arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms)

Respiratory failure

Muscle breakdown
