Why do you lose ‘control’ over your car when you use your clutch before braking?


When I am driving in my car and I have to brake for something, I always use the clutch first and then brake. From what I hear, you then have no control over your car, why is that? And why is that not the case when you first brake and then use the clutch when rpm is low enough.

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13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As others have said, losing control is situation specific so I won’t go into that here. I daily a manual in the US and I do the reverse of you. Approaching a light or traffic, I brake first and then clutch down as the engine slows down. I do this mostly to save some gas as the engine will either shut off the injectors or put a bare minimum in while the engine is under a reverse load.

Also, I push it into 1st just as the car rolls to a stop as I sometimes have trouble engaging that gear when stopped.

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