Why do you lose ‘control’ over your car when you use your clutch before braking?


When I am driving in my car and I have to brake for something, I always use the clutch first and then brake. From what I hear, you then have no control over your car, why is that? And why is that not the case when you first brake and then use the clutch when rpm is low enough.

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13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

That’s a specific condition only true on steep declining roads. On a flat road, there’s no issue with pressing the clutch before braking.

On a decline, you need power at the wheels for engine braking, if you press the clutch then the car is at the mercy of brakes only, no engine braking. In such a case, brakes may fail due to overheating then you might end up with an uncontrolled car hurling towards down.

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