Why do you lose ‘control’ over your car when you use your clutch before braking?


When I am driving in my car and I have to brake for something, I always use the clutch first and then brake. From what I hear, you then have no control over your car, why is that? And why is that not the case when you first brake and then use the clutch when rpm is low enough.

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13 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You don’t lose control. Sounds like someone is trying to educate you on something they have no knowledge of.

Pushing in the clutch disengages the motor from the wheels. It prevents you from accelerating. It’s no different than when you have the gear selector in neutral with the clutch out.

Edit: to add to this. You can brake without pushing in the clutch just fine. When you press the clutch in and change gears is dependent on your speed. If you slowed down enough then you downshift. If you only slow down like 10mph from 60 to 50 then no need for the clutch. However, if you slow down from 60 to 30 then you need to clutch and downshift.

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