Why do you need distilled water for humidifiers if they’re turning the water into a vapor? Wouldn’t the minerals be left behind anyway?


Why do you need distilled water for humidifiers if they’re turning the water into a vapor? Wouldn’t the minerals be left behind anyway?

In: 4

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on the humidifier. Ultrasonic ones are not distilling/evaporating it, they’re just using ultrasonic waves to aerosolize it into a vapor and create a mist. It does this without removing a lot of impurities from the water. What is left behind gunks up the humidifier, what isn’t leaves a white powder or film in the area around the humidifier.

Evaporative humidifiers don’t need distilled water because they do actually evaporate the water and leave the minerals behind. That’s why evaporative humidifiers have filters that get gross and hard after a while, from all the minerals left behind. But the filters do last quite a bit longer if you use distilled water in an evaporative humidifier, but they still wear out over time

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