: why do you see stars when you rub your eyes too hard?


Yknow when you rub your eyes way too hard and you start seeing stars or little sparkly things? Yea. Why exactly does that happen?

In: 2

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your eyes are highly specialised for seeing things. Seeing things is what they do. They interpret almost everything as visual data.

So when you press on your eyes, they don’t know any way to “read” that pressure except as visual data. So that pressure sensation is sent to your brain as visual information. Since there’s nothing to actually see, the end results is just random white blotches and dots.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You are putting physical stress on your retinas, through the vitreous (jelly) of your eyeball. This causes some of the retinal cells to fire, which your brain interprets as light.

DO NOT DO THIS. Putting stress on your retina can cause bad things to happen. Sometimes very very bad.