Why do you sometimes feel like you’re about to cry but suddenly and involuntarily stop yourself?


I’ve had this problem my whole life and I’ve met a few others with it too, but none of us know why. We all have no problem crying under certain circumstances (anxiety attacks for me), but sometimes when we’re about to cry at a certain stimulus, something clicks and the feeling just vanishes, even if we want to cry. Is it just a personality thing or is this a known phenomenon with a name or something?

Sorry, didn’t know where else to ask. Google just brought up reasons you can’t stop crying, the opposite problem.

In: Biology

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Im pretty sure the act of crying is the act of self indulging in your emotions. We as humans tend to gravitate towards negative thoughts when we’re feeling negative, and its almost like we feed it subconsciously. So maybe taking a step back stops the cycle inadvertantly

To add: Maybe its like loosing a train of thought. You take a step back, and now you’re outside of the sphere/paradigm of thought, looking at it from a third-person perspective, seemingly disconnected at an emotional level- thus an emotional involuntary reaction seems unlikely. But then again, refer to the first section amd think; what does it even mean to have an involuntary emotional reaction? Is it really involuntary, to what extent, and what part does self-indulgence play

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