Why do younger children struggle more to adjust to sudden bright light?


When I was little and would get up early, I always needed at least 5 minutes of squinting before my eyes were adjusted to the light. I just realized that now (as an adult) I can turn on a light and adjust within 1-2 seconds. Why is this??

In: 7

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Repetition creates tolerance.

All children are sensitive to intense stimuli, especially if unexpected.
Over time and after repeated episodes our neurology learns to anticipate discomforting events and prepare itself. Anticipation means that the intense stimuli startles less, from which less time is required to recover.

Anonymous 0 Comments

For the same reason that children struggle to adjust to *anything* compared to an adult: they’re children and haven’t learnt how to adjust properly yet.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What are you doing when you adapt now? Because if I know that there would be bright light I tend to close one eye and when it’s going to be dark again I switch eyes and that’s how I maintain my vision through flashing lights.