why do your cheeks hurt so bad after blowing too hard? Like a balloon?


Just tried to blow up a balloon and it’s been like 15 minutes and my cheeks are still in a lot of pain. Got me wondering why this happens.

In: 3

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your cheeks are basically a thin muscle flap (made up of a lot of muscles, fat pads, glands, and other tissues) so blowing hard against resistance like a latex balloon generates an over-use situation on a set of muscles that generally only operate without resistance.

TL:DR you did a cheek workout and took it too far, now your muscles are sore.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Overworked muscles.

Same as if say you are used to walking 45 minutes a day. If you all of a sudden walk for 14 hours your legs will be very sore.

So in this case your cheeks are not used to doing this at all, you then out of the blue use them to blow up balloons for 15 minutes the little muscles are tired

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s called windburn, and it’s a form of skin irritation. When you blow air out forcefully, it can dry out the skin on your face and make it feel tight and sore.