why do your lips sometimes become incurably dry for a few days no matter how much water you drink to fix it?


why do your lips sometimes become incurably dry for a few days no matter how much water you drink to fix it?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Exfoliate your lips gently with a semi soft rag. Get the dried dead skin off. Do in the shower so the dead skin will be easy to remove. Use chapstick brand lip balm to heal

Anonymous 0 Comments

That’s called “chapped lips” essentially your lips became so dry that the outer layer of skin died. You have to wait for a new layer of living cells to grow back underneath the dead layer before your lips feel normal again.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Skin is oily by nature so applying water isn’t going to do anything. Better to apply something also oily like petroleum jelly. In the case of your lips it might be a layer of dead skin that doesn’t want to shed on it’s own. Scratch it gently, and I emphasize Gently, until you expose the smooth, moist skin underneath.